The Muse Experience

I’m very excited to introduce my new small group coaching offer!

The Muse Experience is a 6 month long luxury coaching program for women who want to create the 5-10 year vision for their life, work, and leadership.

It's for those who have been feeling the itch of change, the callings of a different path, and who want some support in that process.

The intention is for each participant to hone her own intuition and turn inwards to become her source of inspiration and affirmation- to become her own Muse.

We will be embarking on this process with the addition of ritual and ceremony because our modern life no longer offers rites of passage that mark the sometimes subtle but often momentous changes that happen in middle life.

The group will be small (no more than 7), the retreats are all-inclusive aside from your transport to/from and intended to take exquisite care of you- you don't have to lift a finger!

The video below dives into more of the philosophy and the content along with some very special guests!

For all the details, dates and specifics click here.

If you’re interested in the Virtual Only Muse Experience, click here.

The Muse Experience Intro Video